Publication of Achi Association: " Against Forgetting. Investigating and Preserving Historic Buildings in a Himalayan Village"
12 December 2021

Finally I can announce the publication on our work in the village of Wanla, Ladakh UT.
It is as open source available:

Anyone interested in getting a hard copy, please contact me.

Polyvalente zaal Denderhoutem - Biecorff
11 April 2020

De polyvalente zaal én muziekzaal voor de Academie Muziek-Woord-Dans van Denderhoutem is opgeleverd. Het was een project van lange adem én het resultaat mag er zijn. De allerlaatste afwerking (groen, banken,...) en de officiële inhuldiging zijn door de corona maatregelen echter nog een beetje uitgesteld.
Hiermee komt de samenwerking met Biecorff en Hugo Kinnaer Architect tot een mooi einde.

Achi Association Newsletter #4 - January 2019
11 March 2019

If you like to see the fourth newsletter of Achi Association, click the link below

Progress at the House JJ
9 March 2019

Ethiopia - teaching at TVET Emdibir
21 January 2019

Interesting experience to teach at the technical college.
Their traditional house is the circular wooden Gojo-bet with straw roof. Since it is getting too expensive to build, they invented a modern rectangular version with tin roofs.
It is a pity that they are using the tin sheets for fencing these days. Before they put wooden sticks in the ground which was a semi-diaphanous and more 'social' way of separating their properties.
I was lucky to participate at the celebrations of Epiphany day when the baptism of Christ is repeated with all the Christian people.

Friends enjoying their new terraces
22 May 2018